A run around in the sunshine afterwards was appreciated by all, and some of us (the four-legged variety), had a chance to roll in some good clean dirt to get back that musty old-gym-shoe healthy doggy smell. Ahh.

Has anyone heard of Sketchcrawl?
I signed up today - I am sooo looking forward to this! It's a free day of roving through the city with other sketchers, drawing people and buildings and whatever takes your fancy. October 25th is the day, meet on the State Library Steps at 10AM for a trawl through the city till 4. It's a global Sketchcrawl, which means that there are people all over the world doing it.
Why, oh why didn't I know about this before? If anyone else is coming, drop me a comment; I'd love to say hi. Oh, and photographers and writers are invited, too.
Oh, and my Spoonflower invitation came through late last week, so I am drawing up a storm to try to find a really wonderful fabric design...
PS: oops, I'm back in black and white again....
what a fantastic idea! since I am most certainly not in Melbourne, I won't be making it to the library, however if I can I will be doing a crawl myself.
I'm lucky, as my dog loves loves loves to bathe. last week he jumped into my shower. unfortunately, he makes a mess as well, runs outside, and though he doesn't roll, begins to dig up clouds of dirt that shower down on him. fabulous!
Wow, a dog that loves to bathe! Ours just sulks and looks dark looks at us, but no longer fights it. Mr. Tacc blogged it here http://taccola.blogspot.com/2008/10/washing-dog.html
I've just tagged you for a meme, play along if you like!
That sounds like so much fun. I have other crafty plans otherwise I would have joined the fun for sure.
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