A wonderful morning outing yesterday, to Amitie with Bellgirl and her lovely littley, and a morning of bagels and chit-chat. Just perfect! Fabric delights at Amitie were everywhere (er, as usual), and I came home happy and full of quilting inspiration and Christmas-present ideas. Oh, and clutching a large parcel of fabric....
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go and get sewing!
....and you came straight home and washed it all. I'm very impressed!
It's called obsessive-compulsive disorder. And I'm late for my Christmas sewing schedule! :-)
Wow and you got some goodies there. Nice colours.
Cute blog...tis my first time here and is just lovely..xx
Nice fabric! I would too be happy, if I thought to come home and wash my purchases straight away. Its all very hit and miss here. I'm never quite sure what's been washed and what hasn't, so I'm sure some stuff gets laundered twice!
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