November 27, 2008

Animals come out in the early morning

So, this morning at 5:15, I was lying awake, listening to the birds beginning to twitter, and thinking of my farm quilt-in-progress.

Now, don't think I do this all the time, but by 5:30 I was up, surprising the dog (who cracked some mighty yawns) and thinking of two lovely hours in which to sew and play. I started some bread dough while making coffee, and hit the machine:

If you get up really early, you can see the rabbits running around...

It was fiddlier than I thought, and I had to stitch very slowly, only a few stitches at a time before lifting the foot and adjusting the pieces. But the applique aren't that big, and there are only five of them, so that's fine. I've done the swallow and the rabbit. And now there's fresh, warm bread out of the oven for breakfast.

Let's just hope that I don't fall asleep over my desk at work today!


CurlyPops said...

Wow you must be very very patient! It's going to look fabulous once you've finished.

Ellieboo said...

Quilt is looking good. hope you stay awake too - I always crash burn after an early start.

Anonymous said...

I can smell that bread now

Liesl said...

That sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see more of the quilt.

(If I was up at 5.15, I sure it wouldn't be the birds that I'd hear but ... muuuummmmm, muuummm ... get me up ... Needless to say there would be no sewing!)

Lily Boot said...

oh beg, what a divine way to start the day! I'm sure it will give you a great buzz that will last the whole day - you'll be filled with creative pheromones!

Lily Boot said...

Oh what a terrible typo Bev! I'm using my new iPhone and still getting used to the keyboard!

Juddie said...

Wow! What a lovely start to the day, and a very pretty-looking quilt. I hope your little blackbird family are doing well .... I adore my local blackbirds, who sing and sing and sing in the garden every day now - they have so much energy!

catharooni said...

i don't care if you don't get up at 5:15 very often - doing it once is showing off. doing it AND being productive makes the rest of look bad. and doing it, being productive, AND BAKING BREAD makes you a goddess in my book. let me know where to find your altar so i can worship ... hope the day was great!